Imagine how it feels to bounce out of bed in the morning feeling excited about your work, clear about what needs to be done, enjoying every moment and knowing that you are making a positive difference.
For years Catherine struggled in the wilderness of business, yearning to be what she saw as ‘successful’. Now when Catherine talks about success she is talking about being aligned with your purpose, passions, talents and something you can get paid for, otherwise known as your ‘Ikigai‘.
What she’s learnt from her 10+ years of running her own business, is that there isn’t one thing, a lightbulb moment or a magic pill that suddenly accelerates you from struggling to successful. However – she has identified 3 things that certainly help to accelerate this process:
Finding your tribe – surrounding yourself with like-minded people and a trusted community is worth it’s weight in gold. Joining a community or a mastermind group that’s relevant to your business goals and passions is a great way of doing this.
Listen to your heart for it knows the way! – This has taken Catherine some time to realise, and it is something she is still mastering, she knows that when she taps into her intuition – her inner knowing, this is really the key to being fully aligned.
Invest in a coach – ok, she may be a bit biased! But it was one of the key things that helped Catherine to tap into her intuition, giving her a sense of inner calm and clarity, to trust that she is exactly where she needs to be and to allow the process of unfolding. Having a coach also helps you to gain clarity on your vision and goals which in turn increases your ability to manifest what you really want.
Through Catherine Gallagher’s own journey of surrounding herself with her tribe, investing in coaching and trusting her intuition, a series of synchronicities and serendipitous encounters have led her to setting up a a global network for Women Travel Leaders with industry leader and Forbes change-maker, Jennine Cohen.
You can find out more about working with Catherine Gallagher by booking a call with her here.
Catherine believes that when 2 or more people come together with a common purpose, magic happens.
“A mastermind is simply two or more people who come together in a spirit of harmony, and who seek to work together to accomplish the same goal. Many of the most successful businesses in the world were the product of masterminds”
Napoleon Hill (author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’)
As far as ‘magic pills’ go, Masterminds are about as close as you’re going to get. As long as you choose wisely and commit wholeheartedly, in my opinion there is no greater way to accelerate your life and business to new heights.
Want to know more?
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Current Mastermind groups for Women Travel Leaders include:
- Owners and VP’s of US based Tour operators who are collectively strengthening their leadership skills, sharing wisdom and avoiding burnout. (Meet monthly via Zoom, 90 minutes with up to 8 ladies – email to register your interest)
- Owners of established travel industry businesses who seek balance and flow, and are ready to work ‘on’ their business rather than ‘in’ their business. (Meet monthly via Zoom, 90 minutes with up to 8 ladies – email to register your interest)
- Owners of DMC’s who see the value in sharing insider secrets with like-minded businesses with the result of learning and thriving together. (Meet monthly via Zoom, 90 minutes with up to 8 ladies – email to register your interest)
Here’s some examples of some of the Masterminds that Catherine Gallagher has run:
Double your income and impact of your coaching, creative or wellness business through the power of retreats.
This mastermind was designed to help coaches, consultants, artists, yogis, wellness professionals, ecopreneurs, property and land owners and adventure educators to add additional revenue to their business.
Learning outcomes:
- Discover the type of retreats you can run (that are aligned with you and your business)
- Designing retreats that sell (and that make your heart sing)
- How to market and sell your retreat
- How to avoid paying hefty deposits to guarantee your venue
- Tips on organising your retreat with ease
- The potential pitfalls of running a retreat and how to avoid them
- Tips on what makes an ideal venue
12 week ‘Find your Flow’ Mastermind
Learning Outcomes:
- Your natural talents and the work you were ‘born to do’
- What lights you up and makes your heart sing
- Your ‘Why’
- How to combine your natural talents, passions and purpose with a way of making money
- Who your ideal client is
- What you can offer and sell
- How to nail your niche
Be the change
Catherine Gallagher feels passionately that business can (and should be) a force for good. In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, and create a more peaceful and inclusive society. Catherine believes that business owners and leaders have an exciting and unique opportunity to play an important part of this.

Our impact
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